Thursday, 13 February 2020

Directors & Employees Wanted Equity Share

Do you have what it takes?

RD4 is looking to expand its team with 3 new directors & 3 new employees to assist with engineering, finance, marketing and taking us into production.
As are research and development has progressed we are hoping to expand our team to take us to the next stage of this exciting project.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to join the team and hit the ground running 
 to assist us to make a big push to expand, manufacture and launch our exciting new 3D printer.  

The engineering post would entail assisting in the manufacture of our new printer and the finance and marketing posts would require financing and marketing of the product and the varied tasks this entails. 

Please apply through Facebook jobs

Engineering Director

Finace Director

Marketing Director

We would be happy to offer a 5% equity stake to each director. 

Help build the future of 3D Printing

   This is a very exciting new project which would lead to to further opportunities within the company as the company grows.

  Interested in assisting the directors Send a quick message, just use the form in the bottom left. We will be involving our new directors in this recruitment phase and will formal post the roles in due course

Electronics & moulding add a new dimension to 3D printing. No longer are they inanimate plastic objects, they're interactive, dynamic and limited only by your imagination.

Still, thinking about it? Feel free to leave your comment or query using the form in the bottom left.
We value your opinion, it will help us become better and we may like it that much we'll want you to work for us.

Help build the future of 3D Printing
Find out more email

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